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Urban Water Management

Project 1: Monitoring Water Sensitive Urban Design performance 

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This project aims to explore the potential of a low-cost water sensor in monitoring work. Its performance was compared with a traditional water sensor. Low-cost sensor showed good accuracy. With acceptable accuracy and affordability, the low-cost sensor is worth for further testing and use in monitoring.

Project leads: Perrine Hamel (Principal Investigator), Ding Ning (PhD student)​

Publication: Ding,N., Hamel.,P., Zhu,Q., Cherqui,F., Bertrand-Krajewski, J.L. (2022)

Low-cost sensors in monitoring Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) performance in Singapore - Lab testing of water level sensor

Project 2: Nature-based solutions for flood risk

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Probabilistic risk analysis framework quantifying benefits of nature-based solutions. Source Adpated from: Lallemant & Hamel (2021)


Deforestation and unplanned development increase flood risk. This project aims to understand the conditions needed to mitigate the risks and incorporate them into urban planning. Research is advanced in modelling riverine flooding in response to changes in land management and flood exposure & risk. Current work focuses on a case study in the Chindwin Basin, Myanmar.


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